Module libr35.gloomhaven.AttackHelper

Gloomhaven Attack Helper


change_counter_by (which_group, which_counter, value) Core function that handles updating the counters and also handles updating the saved state
create_all_buttons () Shortcut that creates that top and bottom buttons
create_bottom_buttons () Shortcut function that creates all of the bottom buttons
create_button_set (y_offset, click_function_suffix) Create a button set!

This will dynamically create the six buttons for top or bottom the top vs bottom is determined by the click_function_suffix.

create_top_buttons () Shortcut function that creates all of the top buttons
do_nothing (obj, player, right_clicked) As named, this function does nothing This is mostly used for buttons that don't have any real interactive purpose.
handle_attack_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the attack button on the bottom
handle_attack_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the attack button on the top
handle_move_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the move button on the bottom
handle_move_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the move button on the top
handle_name_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the "name" button
handle_name_input (obj, player_color, input_value, selected) Handle editing the input box on the back Note, this will only update once you stop typing and click away
handle_range_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the range button on the bottom
handle_range_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the range button on the top
handle_retaliate_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the retaliate button on the bottom
handle_retaliate_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the retaliate button on the top
handle_retaliaterange_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the retaliaterange button on the bottom
handle_shield_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the shield button on the bottom
handle_shield_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked) Handle clicking the shield button on the top
onLoad (saved_data) Called when the object is being loaded by TTS
refresh_labels () Refresh all the labels with current values This will also compute the "final total" values
save_current_state () Save the object's current state
set_object_name (new_name) Set the object's name, or a sane default


ATTACK_HELPER_CUSTOM_TOKEN_IMAGE The Attack helper is a simple little object to help compute the final values for a monster's abilities >>> Custom Token Image:


change_counter_by (which_group, which_counter, value)
Core function that handles updating the counters and also handles updating the saved state


  • which_group string
  • which_counter string
  • value integer
create_all_buttons ()
Shortcut that creates that top and bottom buttons

See also:

create_bottom_buttons ()
Shortcut function that creates all of the bottom buttons

See also:

create_button_set (y_offset, click_function_suffix)
Create a button set!

This will dynamically create the six buttons for top or bottom the top vs bottom is determined by the click_function_suffix. "bonus" or "base" are the two valid values


  • y_offset float Used to put the buttons on the top or bottom of the token
  • click_function_suffix fills in the suffix for handle_{thing}_{suffix}_click
create_top_buttons ()
Shortcut function that creates all of the top buttons

See also:

do_nothing (obj, player, right_clicked)
As named, this function does nothing This is mostly used for buttons that don't have any real interactive purpose.


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked
handle_attack_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the attack button on the bottom


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_attack_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the attack button on the top


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_move_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the move button on the bottom


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_move_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the move button on the top


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_name_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the "name" button


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_name_input (obj, player_color, input_value, selected)
Handle editing the input box on the back Note, this will only update once you stop typing and click away


  • obj object The object the input is attached to
  • player_color string The player color that is interacting with this input
  • input_value string The value of the input box
  • selected boolean If the input box is still being edite or not
handle_range_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the range button on the bottom


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_range_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the range button on the top


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_retaliate_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the retaliate button on the bottom


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_retaliate_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the retaliate button on the top


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_retaliaterange_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the retaliaterange button on the bottom


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_shield_base_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the shield button on the bottom


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

handle_shield_bonus_click (obj, player, right_clicked)
Handle clicking the shield button on the top


  • obj Object The object the button belongs to
  • player string Player Color that clicked the button
  • right_clicked boolean True if the button was right-clicked

See also:

onLoad (saved_data)
Called when the object is being loaded by TTS


  • saved_data string
refresh_labels ()
Refresh all the labels with current values This will also compute the "final total" values
save_current_state ()
Save the object's current state
set_object_name (new_name)
Set the object's name, or a sane default


  • new_name


The Attack helper is a simple little object to help compute the final values for a monster's abilities >>> Custom Token Image:
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2020-10-17 20:06:43